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All Rust String Types explained

Unlike other languages, Rust str types comes in many flavours1:

  1. &Str
  2. String
  3. &[u8; N]
  4. Vec[u8]
  5. Cow<'a, str>
  6. CStr
  7. OsStr
  8. OSString
  9. Path 10 PartBuff

String Fundamentals

In programming, everything is fundamentally binary data represented via 1's and 0's. For a program to convert this binary data into a human readable string, it needs two things:

  1. The encoding used
  2. Length of the string


Binary data is typically processed as a sequence of bytes, each byte containing 8 bits. Each byte can be represented as an integer using a binary number system. A character encoding is simply a standard for maping bytes to characters.

There are two common encodings you probably already heard of:

  1. ASCII: Stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange very simple standard dating back to 90's.

    ASCII's simplicity is also it's limiting factor, and can only represent 256 characters. And as such, can only represent english alphabet symbols and control characters and has no support for other languages or emoji/emoticons.

    (source: Wikipedia)

  2. UTF-8: UTF-8 short for Unicode Transformation Format-8 is a variable length encoding where characters can go from 1 to 4 bytes, allowing us to encode multiple languages characters and complex characters like emojis. UTF-8 is widely adopted and is currently the standard for character encoding.

Now with this information, string is a sequence of bytes that lives within the memory.

When you create a string in your program, you basically create a pointer to the first bytes of the string, but how do you know where the string end? You can device two methods:

  1. Traverse the string bytes-by-byte until you read a termination character, commonly called null byte. Incurrs a runtime cost for certain operations.
  2. Or store the length of string along with the pointer to the first byte of the string in a higher level data structure. This gives the benefit for certain operations, such as retrieving the string length will be done in constant time, trade off being, use of more memory.

Strings in C

Let's understand why strings in C is really simple but also makes it dangerous.

In C, string is represented as an array of character:

int main() {
    char my_string[] = "Hello, World!";

    return 0

or a pointer pointing to the first character in the string:

int main() {
    char my_string[] = "Hello, World!";

    char* string_ptr = my_string;

    return 0
int main() {
    char my_string[] = "Hello, World!\0";   // (1)

    char* string_ptr = my_string;

    return 0
  1. A null terminator is automatically added by the compiler at the end of the string.

C doesn't enfore any encoding and developer is supposed to enforce it. If your program takes in an invalid input say, invalid utf-8 characters, or your validation isn't done properly, can lead to data corruption or security vulnerabilities.

Take a look at this example, this can lead to data corruption, undefined behavior, security vulnerabilities or system crashes.

int main() {
    char my_string[] = "Hello, World"; // 12 characters

    char buffer[16];  // Buffer is one character (null terminator) short
    strcpy(buffer, my_string);

    printf("The copied string is: %s\n", buffer);
    return 0;

Strings in Rust

Let's see how Rust handle string with safety in mind:

  1. No null terminator: Rust stores the string length as metadata instead of null terminator, leading to more efficient runtime operations and prevent vulnerabilities like buffer overflows.
  2. All strings are valid UTF-8: Rust guarantees string to be a valid UTF-8 encoded, ensuring string are intercompatible with languages and prevents issues like data corruption.
  3. Immutable by default: strings or more generally variables in rust are immutable by default, ensuring that the content of the strings are changed unexpectedly.

Strings and &str

String and &str (called string slices) are two most fundamental string types in Rust.

String type is heap allocated and hence growable, UTF-8 encoded string.

  • It's an owned type, since it owns the underlying data
  • responsible for deallocating the underlying data when the string variable goes out of scope.
let my_string: String = String::from("Hello!");

This type consists of a pointer to the data on the heap, it's length and it's capcity.

String slices

String slices (&str) on the other hand is a view into a string it represents. It represents a cotiguous sequence of UTF-8 encoded bytes.

  • It's called a borrow type, as it doesn't own the underlying data. Instead it simply has access to it.
  • It's only holds the pointer to the starting byte of the data and the length.
  • They also doesn't have a capacity, since they are not growable.
  • They can reference data on the heap or in the data section of the compiled binary (which is the case for string literals) or strings stored on stack.
let my_string: String = String::from("Hello!");
let my_str: &str = &my_string;

Use case: 1. String is useful when you want to create or modify string data dynamically at runtime. 2. &str is useful when you want to read or analyze pre-existing string data without making changes to it.

&'static str

Now let's see how Rust handle string with efficiency & flexibility in mind:

This is an example of string literal, which is a reference to string slice. String literals are stored in compiler's binary.

let hello: &str = "Hello, world!";
This is actually just a syntactic sugar for a reference with static lifetime.

let hello: &'static str = "Hello, world!";

A static lifetime indicates that the data being pointed to is guaranteed to be available during the entirity of the program execution.

You don't need to explicity write out the static lifetime, except in certain cases, for e.g.:

  • When storing string slices in structs or enums:

    enum MyError {
        ParseError(&'static str),
    - when, returning a string slice from a function that has no other borrowed paramter.

fn get_greeting(hour: u8) -> &'static str {
    if hour < 12 {
        "Good Morning"
    } else if hour < 18 {
        "Good Afternnon!"
    } else {
        "Good evening!"


You may notice &str is made up two parts: str represents a dynamically sized sequence of UTF-8 encoded bytes, in other words str describes a string slice. We can't use it directly as a standalone type, because it's size is not known at compile time. Instead we have to use str behind some type of pointer: &str, creating a reference.

There are other types of string slice as well:

We can wrap the str type in Box smart pointer: Box<str>.

Box<str> represents a string slice which is:

  1. Owned,
  2. Non-growable,
  3. Heap allocated

Useful when you want to freeze a String to avoid extra modification or save memory by dropping the extra capacity information.

let my_string: String = String::from("This is a long string, needs no modification");

// convert the String to a Box<str>
let my_boxed_str: Box<str> = my_string.into_boxed_str();

println!("My boxed str: {}", my_boxed_str);


We can also use str with Rc (reference counting) smart pointer: Rc<str>.

Rc<str> represents a string slice which is:

  1. shared,, to allowing sharing between parts of program without cloning the actual data.
  2. Immutable
use str::rc::Rc;

fn main() {
    let some_large_text: &'static str = "This is some large text that we need to work with.";

    // Extract a subsection that multiple parts of the program will need to reference
    let subsection: Rc<str> = Rc::from(&some_large_text[5..24]);

    // Simulate multiple owners by cloning the Rc pointer
    let another_reference = Rc::clone(&subsection);
    let yet_another_reference = Rc::clone(&subsection);

    println!("First reference: {}", subsection);
    println!("Second refernce: {}", another_reference);
    println!("Third reference: {}", yet_another_reference);


Atomic refernce counting smart pointer, unlike Rc smart pointer, Arc is thread safe.

Arc<str> represents a string slice which is:

  1. shared,, to allowing sharing between parts of program without cloning the actual data.
  2. thread-safe,
  3. Immutable

Allows us to share the str across threads, without having to clone the data.

fn main() {
    let tet_string = String::from("This is some text taht multiple threads will read.");
    let text_slice = &text_string[..];  // this also doesn't have 'static lifetime

    // Convert it to an Arc<str>
    for _ in 0..3 {
        let text_ref = Arc::clone(&shared_text);
        let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
            println!("Thread is reading: {}", text_ref)

    for handle in handles {

Vec[u8] & &[u8]

The String type is basically a wrapper around Vec[u8] the difference being, the String type gurantees to be a valid UTF-8.

This allows the String type to provide methods that make it convenient to work with unicode text and safe manipulation of underlying data.

We can use Vector of bytes Vec[u8] or slice of bytes &[u8] can be useful when creating string from binary data or with strings which uses encodings other than UTF-8.

fn latin1_to_string(latin1_data: &[u8]) -> String {
    latin1_data.iter().map(|&c| c as char).collect()

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    // Read Latin-1 data into a Vec<u8>
    let latin1_data: Vec<u8> = read_latin1_string()?;

    // Convert Latin-1 data to a UTF-8 Rust String
    let utf8_string: String = latin1_to_string(&latin1_data);

    println!("Converted string: {}", utf8_string);


String literal representations (&[u8; N])

  1. Raw string literals: allows us to write special characters like back slashes without need of escape character. They are creating by starting the string with r and adding a # hash symbol on either side of string literal.

    let text = "He said \"goodbye\" and left";
    let text = r#"He said "goodbye" and left"#; // raw string literal (1)
    let re = regex::Regex::new(r#"\b(word)\b"#).unwrap();
    1. Raw string literals can be useful in cases like writing regular expressions or defining JSON objects as string literals.
  2. Byte string: are created by prefixing a string literal with a b. This creates a slice of bytes which is useful for dealing with network protocols that expects a byte sequence.

let http_ok: &[u8; 17] = b"HTTP/1.1 200 ok\r\n";

&mut str

String slices are usually represented as &str, i.e, immutable. But it is possible to create a mutable reference, i.e., &mut str.

This allows us to directly modify the contents of a string slice while ensuring memory safety and UTF-8 compliance.

Useful for in-place string transformations without needing to create a allocate memory for separate string.

fn anonymize_emails(s: &mut str) {
    let re = regex::Regex::new(r"\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,}\b").unwrap();

    let mut matches = Vec::new();

    // ..

    // Now that we have the matches, perform the replacements
    let s_bytes: &mut [u8] = unsafe { s.as_bytes_mut() };
    for range in matches {
        let replacement = vec![b'*'; range.end - range.start];


Mutable slices are generally avoided in idiomatic Rust code due to complexities and potential of invalid UTF-8 string.

Cow<'a, str>

Cow or Copy on write, is useful when you have a function that sometimes modifies a string and other times doesn't, and you want to avoid making new allocation in cases where no modifications are made.

use std::borrow::Cow;

fn sanitize(input: &str) -> Cow(str) {
    if input.contains("badword") {
        let sanitized: String = input.replace("badword", "****");
        return Cow::Owned(sanitized);
    Cow::Borrowed(input)  // (1)
  1. Returns the string withuot allocating anything a new string

Let's discuss string types that focuses on interoperability, which abstract away differences between operating systems and help Rust code connect with other languages.

OsString & OsStr

OsString & OsStr can contain any sequence of bytes on unix-like systems or any sequence of 16-bit values on Windows. This is useful for interacting with system calls that don't require strings to be UTF-8 encoded.

fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let paths = fs::read_dir(".")?;

    for path in paths {
        match path {
            Ok(entry) => {
                let os_string: OsString = entry.file_name();
                match os_string.into_string() {
                    Ok(string) => println!("Found a file: {]", string),
                    Err(os_string) => println!("Found a non-UTF-8 filename: {:?}", os_string),
            Err(_) => println!("Couldn't read the path."),


Path & PathBuf

Path is an immutable view of a path, useful for reading or inspecting paths.

PathBuf is a mutable and owned version of Path similar to String type, used when you want to create or modify paths.

These are useful for filesystem handling across various OSs, as they handle file paths differently.

Let's see an example:

fn read_file(dir: &Path, filename: &str) -> std::io::Result<String> {
    let mut full_path = PathBuf::from(dir);

    let mut file = File::open(full_path)?;
    let mut content = String::new();
    file.read_to_string(&mut content)?;


fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let dir = Path::new("./");
    let content = read_file(dir, "example.txt")?;
    println!("File content: {}", content);


CStr & CString

Useful when interfacing rust code with C libraries that expects null terminated strings, providing a safe way to handle C compatible strings.

Let's see an example of retrieving env variable from a C code:

extern "C" {
    fn getenv(name: *const str::os::raw::c_char) -> *const std::os::raw::c_char;

use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};

fn main() {
    let key = CString::new("PATH").expect("CString::new failed");
    unsafe {
        let val = getenv(key.as_ptr());
        if val.is_null() {
            let c_str = CStr::from_ptr(val);
            let str_slices = c_str.to_str().unwrap();
            println!("Found: {}", str_slice
        } else {
            println!("Not found");

  1. Content from Let's Get Rusty's Video: